About Us, and the Blog

an expat guide to cooking abroad

We are two expats currently living in Thailand who are big foodies and love to cook. While cooking familiar and new foods can be a little difficult overseas, especially where we live (not in a major city), there are also great, fresh ingredients available at markets that can turn into some truly delicious dishes.

We're challenging ourselves to be creative with what we have, cook more from scratch, and to appreciate the ingredients available to us. We also look forward to sharing our adventures with you, and hope that you enjoy reading and trying some of our recipes - whether you also live in a challenging cooking environment or have the ingredients at your fingertips.

12 December 2012

Tis the season

Even here in Thailand, where the residents are predominately Buddhist, Christmas is in the air. While we won't get a white one, or even a cold one, we are getting into the spirit by stringing some lights across our walls, drinking hot cocoa, watching Christmas movies, and briefly (just once really) listening to carolers.

But this is a food blog, so where is the food???? Well, this is where we need some help. We are having a cookie swap and we need some ideas. 

Next week I will share what ever recipe I us and the degree of its success. Please share your ideas, thoughts and links!!!!

** So, just spent 2 hours filtering through 4,550ish photos and not one of them were Christmas cookies... this needs to be corrected!